Resize Text

Allow Text to Be Resized

Ensure that text on your website can be resized up to 200% without losing any content or functionality. This helps users who need larger text to read comfortably.

Acceptance Criteria

Resizing Capability: Text can be resized up to 200% from its original size without the need for assistive technology.

Content and Functionality: When text is resized, all content and functionality must remain accessible and usable.


Good: A webpage where users can use browser settings to increase the text size from 1em to 1.2em, and all text and interactive elements remain functional and properly displayed.

Good: A website includes built-in buttons or controls that allow users to adjust text size, and the content adjusts accordingly without losing functionality.

Bad: A webpage where text resizing causes content to overlap or become cut off, or where buttons and other interactive elements are no longer accessible.


Captions and Images of Text: Text in captions and images of text are not required to meet this resizing requirement.


• Test your website’s text resizing capabilities by using browser zoom features and ensure that all elements adapt correctly.

• Avoid fixed-size containers that do not scale well with increased text size; use relative units like percentages or em for text and layout dimensions.

• Provide user controls for text resizing if possible, and ensure they do not interfere with the overall design and functionality.

How to test?

1. Manual Resizing: Use browser zoom or text resizing tools to increase text size up to 200% and verify that content remains accessible and functionality is intact.

2. Design Review: Check that the layout adjusts properly and that no content is lost or obscured when text is resized.

3. User Feedback: Gather feedback from users, including those who need larger text, to ensure that resizing works as intended and that the site remains usable.