Provide the pronunciation of words to clarify the meaning
Ensure users can understand how to pronounce words when their meaning is unclear from context alone.
Acceptance Criteria
• Provide a clear mechanism for users to learn the pronunciation of words when it is necessary to understand their meaning.
• Include an audio file or link to a pronunciation guide that allows users to hear how a word is pronounced.
• Add a phonetic spelling of the word next to it to help users understand its pronunciation.
• Provide a link to an external resource or page where the pronunciation is explained.
• Pronunciation guidance is not required for words where context makes the meaning clear or where pronunciation is universally understood.
• Use clear and simple phonetic spelling to indicate pronunciation.
• Ensure audio files or links are easily accessible and functional.
• Consider using familiar phonetic symbols or a pronunciation guide that users can easily understand.
How to test?
• Check if there are accessible methods to learn the pronunciation of ambiguous words, such as audio files or phonetic spellings.
• Verify that the pronunciation information is easy to find and use for users who need it.