Consistent Navigation
Ensure that navigation elements that repeat across multiple pages maintain the same order and placement to facilitate predictable user interaction.
Acceptance Criteria
• Navigation elements that appear on multiple pages should have a consistent order and location unless the user explicitly changes it.
• A navigation bar with links to “Home,” “About Us,” and “Contact” should always display these links in the same order on every page.
• A sidebar menu that expands to show more options should keep the same order of items across all pages where it appears.
• Navigation order may vary if a user initiates a change, such as customizing their own navigation preferences or rearranging items.
• Use a fixed layout for navigation elements to maintain consistency.
• Ensure that any changes to navigation order are communicated clearly to users.
How to test?
• Navigate through multiple pages of a website or application and verify that repeated navigation elements appear in the same order and position each time.
• Check that any user-initiated changes to navigation do not affect the consistency of navigation order for other users.