Audio-only (Live)

Provide Text Alternatives for Live Audio-Only Content

Ensure that live audio-only content includes a text-based alternative so that people who are deaf or hard of hearing can access the information in real time.

Acceptance Criteria

Text Alternative Required: Provide a text equivalent for all live audio-only content.

Scope: The text alternative should deliver the same information as the live audio, making it accessible for individuals who cannot hear or understand the audio.


Good: A live radio broadcast includes a live text feed or captioning that conveys the spoken content in real time.

Bad: A live audio event without any text alternative, making it inaccessible for those who are deaf or hard of hearing.



• Ensure that the text alternative is updated in real time to match the live audio content.

• Use reliable captioning services or tools to provide accurate and timely text.

• Provide clear instructions on how users can access the text alternative during live events.

How to test?

1. Live Check: Monitor a live audio-only broadcast to ensure that the text alternative is provided in real time and matches the audio content.

2. Accuracy Check: Verify that the text alternative accurately reflects the spoken content and is synchronized with the live audio.

3. User Feedback: Test with users who rely on text alternatives to ensure they can fully understand the live audio content.